benefits of focused recovery. I scoured 

the Earth to find original, high-quality 

and revolutionary supplement 

formulas. My goal was to find the 

most cutting-edge, but easy to follow 

information out there.

Through this, I came up with 

a brand new plan to transform 

the physique through four distinct 

channels; Training/Cardio, Diet/

Nutrition, Recovery and Supplements. 

This plan went against everything I had 

ever been told or known to be true, but 

it was immediately the most effective 

plan I had ever tried.

I know that if you follow this same 

plan, you can experience muscle 

growth and fat loss beyond your 

wildest dreams, build a better physique, and 

gain a renewed desire to keep smashing 

barriers on the path to reach your goals.

Right now I’m going to ask you to cut 

yourself some slack for not automatically 

knowing how to fix your problems, and just 

be glad someone else out there does know 

how to fix them. I’m here, and I’ll be with you 

every step of the way.

Look... I put together this guide to be 

a road map for people that aren’t making 

gains, and don’t know how to get there on 

their own. None of us are born with this 

knowledge, but through hard research I was 

able to find a combination of methods that I 

know will positively re-ignite your motivation 

to “kill it” in the gym.

Through my own successes, and the 

successes of others doing new, interesting 

things, I was able to compile everything 

I know into one, simple, smart guide 

that bucks the conventional “wisdom” for 

training, diet, nutrition and supplementation.

With this guide in your hand, you’ll not 

only be able to maximize muscle gains like 

never before, but you’ll obtain a better body 

composition than you ever thought possible.

The advice I give you in this guide on diet 

and food will prime you for this too. No more 

“roller coasters”, and no more desperate 

attempts to stick to fad diets.

The section on cardio will give you a 

whole new way to think about fat burning, 

one that won’t sacrifice your hard-earned 


Finally, I’ve included the best 

recommendations for nutritional support, 

getting science on your side and teaching 

you how, when and what supplements to 

use to reach your goals.

You will be cleaner, leaner, stronger and 

more muscular than you have ever been 


Wanting to look your best shouldn’t break 

you, it should be a process that inspires you 

along the way, keeping you motivated and 

lasting you the rest of your life.

Look, desire isn’t always enough, but it 

is the motivation to get you in the car and 

pulling out of the driveway. Now that you’re 

in the driver’s seat, use this guide as your 

roadmap to the ultimate physique.