How You Do It:


1. Warm up for 3-5 minutes on a fast power walk speed on treadmill or outside.
2. Increase speed to a fast jog for 30 seconds.
3. Go all out during the next 15 seconds.
4. Reduce speed to the original fast power walk speed.
5. Repeating steps two through four comprises a single interval.
6. Repeat 7 more times for 8 intervals in total.

Doing cardio in the morning on an empty 

stomach will burn the greatest amount 

of fat. During both of these times your 

body is slightly carb-depleted, making 

fat the primary fuel source for energy.


>> Save Your Muscle

Maximize your fat-burning not only through HIIT,
but by doing cardio first thing in the morning. Some
do static-state cardio on an empty stomach, taking
advantage of low insulin levels from a night’s sleep. HIIT
is far too intense for that, so have a half-scoop of whey
protein (about 10 grams) mixed in water or 6-10 grams
of mixed amino acids before your session. This will
assure that the body draws its energy from both fat and
fast-digesting supplements instead of muscle.

>> Calories / Nutrition

Since HIIT is tougher on the body, it
requires more energy (calories) to repair
itself afterward. Don’t be afraid to add an
additional meal in on these days (see nutri-
tion plan that follows)

Limit HIIT cardio sessions to 20 min-
utes to maximize intensity and prevent
muscle catabolism.

>> Get In And Out

