In Your Hands Is The Only Guide You Will Ever 

Need To Reach Your Fitness Goals!

Like most people, I'm sure you want to be a 

better person tomorrow than you are today. 

Without that drive and the desire to be 

better, there are few reasons to keep going.

But in spite of all your goals and your 

drive to hit them, having the "know how" 

to meet those goals is the one thing you 

probably don't have.

That's where I come in, and it's how I plan 

to help you.

Trust me, I know you pretty well. You're 

the guy in the gym who would do almost 

anything to get big and ripped. You're 

dedicated, disciplined, and do whatever it 

takes to keep your eye on the prize.

So I'm going to help you right from the 

start to work smarter and get the best 

possible results. In fact I promise to take 

all that "trial and error" out of your life, and 

save you years of wasted effort by teaching 

you the right way to train, eat, utilize cardio 

and take supplements... right out of the 


You see, desire and dedication are 

the things that keep you going, but it's 

knowledge that gives you direction. And 

that's what has been missing.

I figure we're more or less the same 

guy. I first came to the gym with tons of 

enthusiasm. And even though I was willing 

to do anything to achieve my goals, I was 

at a loss on how to diet, train and use 

supplements. At first I grew like a weed... 

all I had to do was eat and lift and the gains 

came easily. But I quickly hit a monster 

plateau because I didn't have enough 

knowledge to take me any further.

Like you, I listened to other people for a 

while, and each person had a different take 

on how I could meet my goals. Problem 

was, I never really understood why I was 

doing something, or how it was supposed 

to work. All I did was set myself up for less 

gains and more unbreakable plateaus down 

the road.

Just like you, I found myself frustrated, 

angry, and completely fed up. I started to 

wonder if it was even worth my time to keep 

giving it my all every week in the gym. I was 

convinced I had better things to do with 

those 5+ hours a week, so I cancelled my 

gym membership and walked away.

Yup, I'm that guy.
One year later, I was feeling even more 

frustrated. I knew I had unfinished business 

back at the gym, and I really missed the 

"rush" I would get from training.

Looking back, part of my problem came 

from not understanding how to unlock my 

potential through training. Another part 

came from listening to the other guys' 

outdated ideas on training, cardio and diet. 

This is when I stumbled on a ton of exciting 

research, and began collecting all the parts 

of a new plan for success.

The very first thing I did was dissect the 

conventional training "wisdom". Then, I dug 

deeper and discovered some of the newest 

diet and nutrition strategies available. I 

read new research and  papers about the